Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2014

Ch. Woodbrook's Askme Howifeel - "James" - Another true gentleman

In unserer Serie "Proven Sires" möchte ich heute einen weiteren Whippetrüden vorstellen, der meines Erachtens die Zucht bereits jetzt sehr positiv beeinflusst hat und dies sicher noch weiter tun wird. Wenn es sich zudem um einen Rüden handelt, von dem ich regelrecht begeistert bin und dessen besonderer Ausdruck mich anrührt, macht diese Präsentation gleich doppelt Freude.

Der wunderschöne Woodbrook's Askme Howifeel "James"  im Besitz von Tony Groenendijk/NL und Züchter der bekannten StripPoker-Whippets, wurde am 02. April 2008 im finnischen Zwinger "Woodbrooks" von Unto Timonen und Sampo Miettinen geboren und konnte in seinen jungen Jahren bereits den NL und Am. Championtitel erringen wie auch den WCD ClugJugendsieger 2009 und Amsterdam Winner 2010 für sich verbuchen.

Woodbrook's Askme Howifeel "James" - What a face !!!

Leider habe ich James noch nie life erleben dürfen, dafür aber zwei seiner in Österreich lebenden, gleichfalls erfolgreichen Kinder Legend of the Golden Rain Sir Jeremy und Legend of the Golden Rain Mary Countess, und die vielen ausdrucksstarken Bilder von ihm wie auch seine Erfolge, sprechen für sich. Seine schwarzen, seelenvollen Augen die in einem TWA Eintrag mit: Black eyes with heavy mascara beschrieben werden, nehmen den Betrachter gefangen.

James mit seinem Besitzer Tony Groenendijk

Um der Statistik zu genügen, nachfolgend ein paar Daten, die ich dem TWA entnommen habe: So wurde James bisher als Vater von 15 Würfen eingetragen und weist zahlreiche Nachkommen in Bulgarien, Finnland, Holland, Schweden, Ungarn und den USA auf.

Besonders hervorheben möchte ich dabei einen Wurf im Zwinger Charlamar/USA aus dem Jahre 2009, in dem alle 5 Welpen zwischenzeitlich den American Championtitel gewinnen konnten, allen voran Charlamar's And the Winner is der seinem Vater in nichts nachsteht, wie auch die Hündin StripPoker's Look Ma No Hands, die in Bulgarien alle Rekorde bricht.

James on the move

Auch bei dieser Präsentation war es mir wichtig, von seinem Besitzer Tony Groenendijk, etwas persönliches über James zu erfahren und ich freue mich, dass er meinem Wunsch entsprochen hat. Seine Kommentare, die mich in der Beurteilung dieses Rüden bestärken, gebe ich hier gerne im Originalwortlaut weiter:


1. When did you first know, he is the one and only to be kept from this litter.

5 years ago I was searching for a new whippet boy for our breeding program and when I checked the website of James' breeders Unto Timonen and Sampo Miettinen I saw pictures from their current litter out of a male I like very much, Ch. Fanfares Special Export and a lovely red and white girl with the name Ch. Sobers Florianne. And one of the boys I liked very much (only from one photo) and when Unto and Sampo told me, yes he is very promising and sent me more pictures, I said yes we would love to have him here in Holland. And at 16 weeks he arrived in Amsterdam and as soon as we saw him walk into our livingroom we said YES, this is what we are looking for and now 5 years later we still say the same.

2. What do you think are the most outstanding qualities he passes on to his offspring.

The first thing that comes to my mind and the most important thing: his wonderful temperament. And he is passing on the (for us) so important Whippet qualities like top and underline, the S curves missing in a lot of dogs these days. And his outstanding balanced movement. AND nice to mention is that James himself is not the smallest whippet, he is 53 cm, BUT most of his children worldwide have excellent size. And not to forget that thing that makes many people fall in love with James his beautiful expression with those dark (eyes and pigment) eyes.

3. How would you describe his character.

A true gentleman, James doesn't like it when dogs are dominant and always is trying to avoid them, when we are in the park on the beach and he listens so well outside, I have to say his name only once and he is standing next to me. He is also amazing with children very soft and gently and wonderful with our cats and even the parrot.

4. And last but not least, did you experience any funny or outstanding adventures with him, either in the show ring or at home.

James is my favorite show dog. He really knows it when it is show time when we get up early to go for a show he knows it and is waiting in front of the door so we will not forget him. He always wants to perform in the ring and he is so calm that you don't have to be nervous at all cause HE knows what to do. One thing he will always do in the ring is make one happy jump after we go round. And that is something I will not forbid him cause I want to have dogs who are happy in the ring and love to show with me. At home James is really part of the family and he is my shadow ... When I am working on the computer he is sleeping on my feet and when I am watching TV he is in my neck. Oh and like all whippets he loves to sleep in bed UNDER the blankets with his legs stretched and it happens often his feet are in my nose or eyes ...


Thank you Tony for this wonderful description of James.

Nachsatz: Interessant war es bei den Recherchen festzustellen, dass sowohl James als auch die BOB Hündin bei der Westminster USA 2014 "Ch. Sporting Fields Bahama Sands"gleich mehrfach "Sporting Fields Jazz Fest" als gemeinsamen Vorfahren aufweisen!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful article about our beautiful James.... And a compliment for that you asked us to let him be the star on your blog....

  2. Ps: James won two times the Amsterdam winner title in 2010 under UK judge Mr. T. Nethercott (and BOG 3 under Mrs. Anita Gielisse) and in 2011 he won BOB again under the famous sighthound specialist and Whippet breeder Mr. Magnus Hagstedt from Sweden.

    1. Thank you for your compliment Tony and congratulation to James' success !
